Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 59 Lake Lemon from all sides

After a leisurely breakfast with Andy and Chantel, that included a stop at a coffee shop with WIFI, we took a drive around the lake. Andy found the small lakefront house where Mary Shelly wrote some pages of Frankenstein (as the sign proclaims); Lord Byron and his entourage stayed nearby where he wrote The Prisoner of Challon after seeing the medieval fortress.
Mary Shelly house on the lake front:

Andy and Chantel:

Yvoire, a town founded in Roman times, was the next stop, a very picturesque town with a large marina and many shops. We had lunch overlooking the lake and wandered around the town.
Hotel duPort – great lunch!

Fall festival mascot:

It's no wonder artists were inspired by its blue water reflecting the Alps.
Andy and the mime:

Looking down the lake:

We continued around the lake to Montreux at the far end and stopped for a coffee. It's a historic town that has added modern hotels and shops.
Voltaire castle:

On the ride back to Geneva we went past CERN, the atomic lab that just measured the speed of a particle faster than the speed of light. Wonder where that knowledge will take us?
When we got back home, a neighbor from NZ came over. He's an interesting guy who works for an oil company and has been in Geneva for the last 30 years.

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