Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 58 Train to Geneva

We had a lazy morning at the hotel, checked out and walked to the train station. We bought lunch and took it on the train.

The scenery was beautiful: rolling hills, farm land and a huge mountain lake all passed by as we climbed into Zurich. We both liked the relaxed train travel and loved the Hogwarts’ Express food cart that comes to your seat to bring you food and drink.
The crabs like train travel too:

At Zurich, we changed Euros for Swiss Francs, bought dinner, and boarded the train to Geneva.
Church in Zurich:

As the sun set over the Alps, the sky turned into a canvas of blues, pinks, and orange before it faded into night and a moon riser out the other window But it was eclipsed by Andy's smile welcoming us at the train station. It's great to have extended family!


  1. So did you get any chocolate frogs or bertie bott's every flavor beans? Any witches or wizatds on the train with you? Sounds like a nice way to travel for you.

  2. I hope there are photos of that sunset. That sounds outstanding.
