Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 57 Salzburg and The Sound of Music

We got up to the best day yet in Munich, breakfast and off to the bus for a 2 hour ride thru the Bavarian countryside, past Bad Aibling (Bob Holland's German assignment) and onto Salzburg, a very small town tucked in next to shear rock cliffs with a castle on top, lots of churches, a few monasteries and convents, and a catacomb.
On the way to Salzburg:

City and castle:

Mozart was born here in 1756 and there are a plethora of places bearing his name - kind of a where's Waldo feeling. Beautiful gardens, gracious courtyards, churches, market stands selling everything a tourist could want at 4X the price. It was all enjoyable.
Mozart in city center:

 Graveyard inside city still in use today:

The crabs liked the city too:

Then we went to the lake country.
Lake on way up the mountain:

Wow, several mountain lakes that are post-card quality. We stopped at Lake Wolfgang where Mozart's mother was born. The town of St. Wolfgang is named for an 11th century hermit monk who fought the devil and built a small church; people used to make pilgrimages there but now they take summer vacations.
Wolfgang city on the lake:

Several scenes from The Sound of Music were shot around here; some were made up and some were in the real family history. The funny thing is that the movie was big in the US for years before the locals here "discovered" the film and used it to promote the area.
Sound of Music was filmed at this fountain:

We got back to Munich after 11 hours and went to dinner in a German restaurant. Tomorrow we take the train to Geneva.
We loved the ride:


  1. How beautiful!! I really like the picture of the graveyard. So glad the crabs are enjoying themselves :)

  2. Crabs like pretzels, it's their natural prey.
    That graveyard is remarkably pretty. The dead are resting in peace in style.
    It looks like you've got quite a mix of clouds and sun, but still picturesque imagery.
    What a nice way to spend October.
