Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 55 Sunday in Munich

We got up, had a leisurely morning and headed to mass at the main cathedral dedicated to Our Lady - another St. Mary's ? We arrived a few minutes early to find the previous mass packed and ran another 20 minutes late. The Bishop elevated 7 deacons on their way to becoming priests and he was helped by 200 clergy on the altar; they all processed out with great flourish with the Bishop blessing people as he left- he could have been an elected official working the crowd.
Cathedral after our mass:

Our noon mass was a simple one in German. Outside the church we were reading menus when an American offered his advice on where to eat. We learned he's a US businessman from Delaware who often comes here; he spoke great German and invited us to join him. We spent the next 3 hours talking over lunch and then he took us to other restaurants he likes and places to tour. As we headed back toward the hotel, the Glockenspiel on city hall went into full show, which it only does a couple times a day so we were very lucky.
Glockenspiel tower:

Video of tower (hopefully this will work):

We exchanged contact information and came back to the hotel. It wasn't what we thought we would do today but really enjoyed it. Maybe John and his wife will come to Annapolis.

The crabs aren’t a fan of the cold water!

Despite the fact we did so little, we came back to the hotel tired out. It's a good thing we're towards the end of our trip.

1 comment:

  1. I love the clock towers in Europe that were build hundreds of years ago with lots of gears and sounds. It makes me sad that we, in America, completely missed the boat on clockworks.
    The video does work.
    Do you still have cold temps?
    Do you have plans for the rest of your stay in Munich?
