Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 49 thoughts and travel to Malta

The UAE was established by Sheik Zayed, the ruler of Abu Dhabi. He united the other kingdoms into a Country and became the first President of the Emirates. He had a great vision of transforming a desert area into a modern financial power by welcoming all nationalities and religions to work here. He was also a caring and just ruler who was beloved by his people. The development is overwhelming. Chris likens it to the futuristic city in the cartoon The Jetsons. Malls, hotels, water features, office buildings, apartments, metro stations, everything ultramodern; it's only missing the flying cars, but can that be far away? All the water is desalinated and of very high quality, but warm water flows from the cold water tap! Just the opposite from home- the first little bit is cool from being inside where the AC cools it, then it gets warm; hot water is almost instant since much is stored in rooftop tanks.
We took off for Malta with a brief stop in Larnaca, Cyprus. Valletta, Malta's Capitol city, is postcard beautiful. Old buildings, churches, forts, churches, parks, churches, a harbor teaming with activity from freighters, cruise ships and private yachts to working fishing boats. Wow. We watched a tourist video summarizing its history, which is amazing for such little islands. But it's all about location, location, location, and the middle of the Mediterranean is hot property. There are relics from people living here from 5000BC, before the pyramids or Stonehenge. It was part of many empires: the Phoenicians, Romans (plus St. Paul in 60 AD), Byzantine, Normans, Holy Roman who gave it to the Knights, then Napoleon's, and British. It was practically destroyed in the war between the Knights and the Turks and also in WWII by German bombing. It's now an independent democracy in the EU.

View from our hotel:
We ate in our own British Hotel and slept well with only a fan and sheet. This hotel wouldn't make it in Conde Nast but it has great charm; its hallways are as confusing as unplanned medieval streets.

1 comment:

  1. It was a pleasure to entertain Bill and Chris midway through their adventure around the World. In respects to the historical brief above, it was the late Sheik Zayed, also known as the Father of the UAE.

    Many people often say to me, wow, you live in the Middle East?!?! What do you eat? As mentioned in B & C's logs the the grocery stores are packed with everything, including pork!! The only item that I have not been able to find are triscuits. Nothing say yummy like a triscuit with artichoke dip.

    It was too bad that just one day after they left the weather broke. Its now paradise again after surviving the sun scorched desert coast. Living by the beach is a big plus but as mentioned but the Arabian Sea is never cool (as in temperature).

    I was glad to share my life with Bill and Chris so they could see first hand what I was up to. It was also great for them to meet Yvette. Needless to say she knows what a big role they have played in my life and was quite nervous about meeting them, but she is a champ and did just fine. It was me we all had to worry about. (Inside joke)

    3 weeks before their arrival I had just moved from the Palm to Dubai Marina, furnished my apartment in record time, and then went to the south of France for 2 weeks, returning just in time to receive them and allow them to do the first load of laundry in my washing machine.

    The highlight for me was getting some quality time, and giving them a proper day at the spa (Hammam style) to help scrub off India. I know all too well what that feels like. After a very stylish haircut and a home cooked meal, they were completely different people then those "street people" I picked up at the airport.

    So they have moved on to their next adventure and I have gone back to my business. I cant wait to come back to the states and stay in their room when I come to visit!!!!

    Best wishes to all!
