Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 22 Napier and Hawke's Bay region.

We took a guided tour of the town of Napier.  In 1931 a massive 7.9 quake leveled most everything that was here.  When the earth settled the land had risen almost 7 feet.  Rivers and lagoons and harbors were now dry land so the town which was a spit of earth between the Pacific and the harbor/ lagoon was all changed. The town rebuilt in the contemporary modern style now known as Art Deco.  They have preserved the buildings and are famous for an entire downtown that has been maintained in that style.   

Panin, the mermaid of the reef, with all 4 of us: 

Napier Art Deco city center: 

Award winning design – for a drug store: 

Inside the design continues:

Even shamrocks get incorporated into the design:

Next we went on a road trip around the vineyards and stopped at two, Elephant Hill for a tasting and fabulous lunch and then to Craggy Ridge for more tastings.  We are getting very good at tasting and not drinking so we can make back safely, which we did!  This evening we plan on an Irish Pub with live music for dinner.

View from lunch at Elephant Hill Winery:

Mom with a trophy bottle!


  1. What a cool city! It's terrible that it got leveled by an earthquake, but really cool that it's historically significant and protected. Art deco design is pretty handsome.
    I hope the Crabstons had time to catch up with an old nautical pal of theirs.
    Are you finding any new favorites at the vineyards?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. And following Betsy's comment, more importantly, are you able to ship any of those new favorite wines back home to Annapolis? I promise to take very good care of any wine that arrives here :)
