Tuesday, August 23, 2011

More Hawaii Photos

 Pre-wedding photo of Bill, Katie, and Bridget.  The girls wanted the crabs to get married.

 Crabby and Crabette wedding photos.

 More wedding photos (notice the top hat and veil).

 Katie making her kitchen web.

 After brunch photos.

 Mike was there too :)

 Post-wedding photos at the Bishop Museum.

 Post wedding lunch with Crabby and Crabette (no crab soup on this menu!)
 Green sea turtle.

Pink pineapple and precious little ladies.


  1. I'm wondering if Katie caught anything in her web, besides herself maybe?

  2. Crabette looks stunning in her veil.
    I bet Crabby couldn't keep his claws off of her.
    When this travel bag is a'rockin'...
