Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 8 plantation, sea turtles and snorkeling Sunset Beach

Mike had to work so Becky took Bill and the girls off to new beaches. We had a delightful day, a scenic drive to the North shore, lots of quaint towns and white sand beaches. An "awesome" lunch according to Bridget at Bobs's pizza palace which did have a tasty Portuguese bean soup along with pizza. Next stop was turtle beach where we saw lots of green sea turtles then on to snorkeling at Sunset Beach. In the winter, it's home to big waves and surfing competition, today just a beautiful calm shore with few people and lots of sand and sun. Becky, Bridget and Chris saw lots of pretty fish. Chris enjoyed the drive up and back reading Narnia to Bridget. We had a great farewell dinner with Mai tais and flank steak, where Mike showed off his Bay Ridge training.

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