Tuesday, July 26, 2016

We are checked in and about to be picked up to go to Dulles.  Off to Reykjavik with a stop for a meal and on to Stockholm for a couple days before boarding the ship.  Next post will be in Sweedish?

Thursday, July 21, 2016


Starting July 26 we begin another adventure - shorter but all different!
Stay tuned

Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 62. On the way home (even though we are actually home now)

Andy dropped us off at the Geneva airport and we waited over an hour for clearance to land in foggy London town. The flight to Dulles was comfortable and not crowded. We really appreciated Peggy picking us up there - what a friend! And we were SO glad to see Shelly and be home!!

Day 61 Geneva (a bit out of order)

After breakfast we all went to a huge street market that is open on Saturdays: over 8 city blocks full of fresh produce, meat, fish , cheese, bread, wines, clothes, books, you name it! Chantel does weekly shopping and Andy buys whatever strikes his fancy. It reminded us of Eastern Market on Capitol Hill. Later we went to a flea market that was also large but more like a rummage sale.
We went to mass Saturday night at St. Francis de Sales near Andy's daughter's apartment. The mass was in French, adding to the list of non-English services we attended. Then we walked to Fanny's to celebrate her birthday and meet her friends. We stayed longer than planned, but Chantel wasn't at all mad about holding dinner. She's a living saint.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 60 Geneva and lunch with Andy's pals

We took a tram down to the old city and walked thru streets that once had Roman soldiers walking on them. History seeping out of every crack in the paving stones.

We joined 4 friends that lunch most every Friday at a Cuban place in the downtown financial district. What an eclectic assembly, Brits and Americans, who have lived in Switzerland for many years, and each has a fascinating story.

After a 2 & 1/2 hour lunch we had mint tea at a Russian tea shop with most of the lunch group, interesting perspective on life and times, never a shortage of opinion or stories.  We went to a museum that had been the home Voltaire lived in in Geneva and saw other landmarks before returning to Andy's.

Day 59 Lake Lemon from all sides

After a leisurely breakfast with Andy and Chantel, that included a stop at a coffee shop with WIFI, we took a drive around the lake. Andy found the small lakefront house where Mary Shelly wrote some pages of Frankenstein (as the sign proclaims); Lord Byron and his entourage stayed nearby where he wrote The Prisoner of Challon after seeing the medieval fortress.
Mary Shelly house on the lake front:

Andy and Chantel:

Yvoire, a town founded in Roman times, was the next stop, a very picturesque town with a large marina and many shops. We had lunch overlooking the lake and wandered around the town.
Hotel duPort – great lunch!

Fall festival mascot:

It's no wonder artists were inspired by its blue water reflecting the Alps.
Andy and the mime:

Looking down the lake:

We continued around the lake to Montreux at the far end and stopped for a coffee. It's a historic town that has added modern hotels and shops.
Voltaire castle:

On the ride back to Geneva we went past CERN, the atomic lab that just measured the speed of a particle faster than the speed of light. Wonder where that knowledge will take us?
When we got back home, a neighbor from NZ came over. He's an interesting guy who works for an oil company and has been in Geneva for the last 30 years.